Internet-Draft ACVP SHA3 August 2020
Celi Expires 11 February 2021 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
C. Celi, Ed.

ACVP SHA3 and SHAKE JSON Specification

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 February 2021.

Table of Contents

1. Acknowledgements

There are no acknowledgements.

2. Abstract

This document defines the JSON schema for testing SHA3 and SHAKE implementations with the ACVP specification.

3. Introduction

The Automated Crypto Validation Protocol (ACVP) defines a mechanism to automatically verify the cryptographic implementation of a software or hardware crypto module. The ACVP specification defines how a crypto module communicates with an ACVP server, including crypto capabilities negotiation, session management, authentication, vector processing and more. The ACVP specification does not define algorithm specific JSON constructs for performing the crypto validation. A series of ACVP sub-specifications define the constructs for testing individual crypto algorithms. Each sub-specification addresses a specific class of crypto algorithms. This sub-specification defines the JSON constructs for testing SHA3 and SHAKE implementations using ACVP.

4. Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.

5. Supported Hash Algorithms

The following SHA3-based hash algorithms MAY be advertised by this ACVP compliant crypto module:

Other hash algorithms MAY be advertised by the ACVP module elsewhere.

6. Test Types and Test Coverage

This section describes the design of the tests used to validate implementations of SHA3 and SHAKE.

6.1. Test Types

There are three types of tests for these hash functions: functional tests, Monte Carlo tests and Variable Output tests. Each has a specific value to be used in the testType field. The testType field definitions are:

  • "AFT" - Algorithm Functional Test. These tests can be processed by the client using a normal 'hash' operation. AFTs cause the implementation under test to exercise nomral operations on a single block, multiple blocks, or partial blocks. In all cases,random data is used. The functional tests are designed to verify that the logical components of the hash function (block chunking, block padding etc.) are operating correctly.

  • "MCT" - Monte Carlo Test. These tests exercise the implementation under test under stenuous circumstances. The implementation under test must process the test vectors according to the correct algorithm and mode in this document. MCTs can help detect potential memory leaks over time, and problems in allocation of resources, addressing variables, error handling, and generally improper behavior in response to random inputs. Each MCT processes 100 pseudorandom tests. Each algorithm and mode SHOULD have at least one MCT group. See Section 6.2 for implementation details.

  • "VOT" - Variable Output Test. XXX

6.3. Test Coverage

The tests described in this document have the intention of ensuring an implementation is conformant to XXX.

7. Capabilities Registration

ACVP requires crypto modules to register their capabilities. This allows the crypto module to advertise support for specific algorithms, notifying the ACVP server which algorithms need test vectors generated for the validation process. This section describes the constructs for advertising support of SHA3 and SHAKE algorithms to the ACVP server.

The algorithm capabilities MUST be advertised as JSON objects within the 'algorithms' value of the ACVP registration message. The 'algorithms' value is an array, where each array element is an individual JSON object defined in this section. The 'algorithms' value is part of the 'capability_exchange' element of the ACVP JSON registration message. See the ACVP specification [ACVP] for more details on the registration message.

7.1. Prerequisites

Each algorithm implementation MAY rely on other cryptographic primitives. For example, RSA Signature algorithms depend on an underlying hash function. Each of these underlying algorithm primitives must be validated, either separately or as part of the same submission. ACVP provides a mechanism for specifying the required prerequisites:

Prerequisites, if applicable, MUST be submitted in the registration as the prereqVals JSON property array inside each element of the algorithms array. Each element in the prereqVals array MUST contain the following properties

Table 1: Prerequisite Properties
JSON Property Description JSON Type
algorithm a prerequisite algorithm string
valValue algorithm validation number string

A "valValue" of "same" SHALL be used to indicate that the prerequisite is being met by a different algorithm in the capability exchange in the same registration.

An example description of prerequisites within a single algorithm capability exchange looks like this

    "algorithm": "Alg1",
    "valValue": "Val-1234"
    "algorithm": "Alg2",
    "valValue": "same"
Figure 1

7.2. SHA3 and SHAKE Algorithm Capabilities Registration

Each SHA3 and SHAKE algorithm capability advertised SHALL be a self-contained JSON object. The following JSON values are used for hash algorithm capabilities:

Table 2: SHA3 and SHAKE Algorithm Capabilities JSON Values
JSON Value Description JSON type
algorithm The hash algorithm and mode to be validated. string
revision The algorithm testing revision to use. string
inBit Implementation does accept bit-oriented messages boolean
inEmpty Implementation does accept null (zero-length) messages boolean
outputLen Output length for SHAKE domain
outBit SHAKE can output bit-oriented messages boolean

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as all the possible values a server MAY support for SHA3 and SHAKE algorithms:

Table 3: SHA3 and SHAKE Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm inBit inEmpty outputLen outBit
SHA3-224 true, false true, false
SHA3-256 true, false true, false
SHA3-384 true, false true, false
SHA3-512 true, false true, false
SHAKE-128 true, false true, false {"Min": 16, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} true, false
SHAKE-256 true, false true, false {"Min": 16, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} true, false

8. Test Vectors

The ACVP server provides test vectors to the ACVP client, which are then processed and returned to the ACVP server for validation. A typical ACVP validation test session would require multiple test vector sets to be downloaded and processed by the ACVP client. Each test vector set represents an individual algorithm defined during the capability exchange. This section describes the JSON schema for a test vector set used with SHA3 and SHAKE algorithms.

The test vector set JSON schema is a multi-level hierarchy that contains meta data for the entire vector set as well as individual test vectors to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements at the top level of the hierarchy.

Table 4: Top Level Test Vector JSON Elements
JSON Values Description JSON Type
acvVersion Protocol version identifier string
vsId Unique numeric vector set identifier integer
algorithm Algorithm defined in the capability exchange string
mode Mode defined in the capability exchange string
revision Protocol test revision selected string
testGroups Array of test groups containing test data, see Section 8.1 array

An example of this would look like this

  "acvVersion": "version",
  "vsId": 1,
  "algorithm": "Alg1",
  "mode": "Mode1",
  "revision": "Revision1.0",
  "testGroups": [ ... ]
Figure 2

8.1. Test Groups

Test vector sets MUST contain one or many test groups, each sharing similar properties. For instance, all test vectors that use the same key size would be grouped together. The testGroups element at the top level of the test vector JSON object SHALL be the array of test groups. The Test Group JSON object MUST contain meta-data that applies to all test cases within the group. The following table describes the JSON elements that MUST appear from the server in the Test Group JSON object:

Table 5: Test Group JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tgId Numeric identifier for the test group, unique across the entire vector set. integer
testType Test category type. AFT, MCT or VOT as defined in Section 6 value
tests Array of individual test case JSON objects, which are defined in Section 8.2 array of testCase objects

8.2. Test Case JSON Schema

Each test group SHALL contain an array of one or more test cases. Each test case is a JSON object that represents a single case to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements for each test case.

Table 6: Test Case JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tcId Numeric identifier for the test case, unique across the entire vector set. integer
len Length of the message or seed integer
outLen Length of the digest integer
msg Value of the message or seed. Messages are represented as little-endian hex for all SHA3 variations. string (hex)

Note: All properties listed in the above table are REQUIRED except for outLen which is only REQUIRED when the algorithm is SHAKE-128 or SHAKE-256.

8.3. Test Vector Responses

After the ACVP client downloads and processes a vector set, it SHALL send the response vectors back to the ACVP server within the alloted timeframe. The following table describes the JSON object that represents a vector set response.

Table 7: Vector Set Response JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON Type
acvVersion Protocol version identifier string
vsId Unique numeric identifier for the vector set integer
testGroups Array of JSON objects that represent each test vector result, which uses the same JSON schema as defined in Section 8.2 array of testGroup objects

The testGroup Response section is used to organize the ACVP client response in a similar manner to how it receives vectors. Several algorithms SHALL require the client to send back group level properties in its response. This structure helps accommodate that.

Table 8: Vector Set Group Response JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON Type
tgId The test group identifier integer
tests The tests associated to the group specified in tgId array of testCase objects

Each test case is a JSON object that represents a single test object to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements for each test case object.

Table 9: Test Case Results JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON Type
tcId Numeric identifier for the test case, unique across the entire vector set. integer
md The IUT's digest response to a VOT or AFT string (hex)
resultsArray Array of JSON objects that represent each iteration of a Monte Carlo Test. Each iteration will contain the msg and md (and outLen for SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256) array of objects containing the md (and potentially outLen)

Note: The tcId MUST be included in every test case object sent between the client and the server.

9. Security Considerations

There are no additional security considerations outside of those outlined in the ACVP document.

10. IANA Considerations

This document does not require any action by IANA.

11. Examples - Secure Hash Capabilities JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object advertising support for SHA-256.

    "algorithm": "SHA3-256",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "inBit": true,
    "inEmpty": true
Figure 3

The following is an example JSON object advertising support for SHAKE-128.

    "algorithm": "SHAKE-128",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "inBit": true,
    "inEmpty": true,
    "outBit": true,
    "outputLen": [
        "min": 16,
        "max": 1024
Figure 4

12. Examples - Test Vectors JSON Object

The following is an example JSON object for secure hash test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module. Notice that the single bit message is represented as "01". This complies with the little-endian nature of SHA3. All hex displayed is little-endian bit order when associated with SHA3 or any of its variations.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
          "algorithm": "SHA3-512",
        "revision": "1.0",
          "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 1,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "tests": [
                "tcId": 1,
                "len": 0,
                "msg": "00"
                "tcId": 2,
                "len": 1,
                "msg": "01"
Figure 5

The following is another example JSON object for secure hash test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "algorithm": "SHA3-256",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 1,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "tests": [
                "tcId": 2170,
                "len": 1304,
                "msg": "7f65733c73c6d9b06838ca3fd3f0fed4c642c58bba59ed0c8b2ae618c4aa24611d3fc59f427574e0d6f38d1fb8ad8119855b7d5c5e2946a1ebb0685b9f258f903ed035e89dc07d04aabe5f10ab7f069ccb1e76a7d2c972fd34ba9dc44d68df51ebff0a400d0ebec3ea808a3a35ce5304a073fa959f9f39c96e2fce7855dddc4b2bb48ece19c8fdc6a02354c4dd0232fa0c424f4e4c1563ada1f943a23feb4d2706d707"
                "tcId": 2171,
                "len": 2096,
                "msg": "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"
Figure 6

The following is an example JSON object for secure hash Monte Carlo Test test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "algorithm": "SHA3-384",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 2,
            "testType": "MCT",
            "tests": [
                "tcId": 2175,
                "len": 384,
                "msg": "30850bd984b14ff5aff18993329268f45785a43cc5a837d45248c90d18e36c06cb3289cf4a661ace73b31a623c0b3ac7",
Figure 7

13. Examples - Test Results JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object for secure hash test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 2,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 2175,
                    "md": "CE2372967F76F2A6A41C3BF115BEBF6ECA3F63269579F6FC25861B64"
Figure 8

The following is a example JSON object for secure hash Monte Carlo Test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server. Reduced to 2 iterations for brevity.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 2,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 1254,
                    "resultsArray": [
                            "md": "CE2372967F76F2A6A41C3BF115BEBF6ECA3F63269579F6FC25861B64"
                            "md": "A811B806FE4811B9CC822D7149F7BAC76EF3FA6A40863A865440E244"
Figure 9

14. Examples - VOT Test Results JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object for the SHAKE Variable Output Test sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "algorithm": "SHAKE-128",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 1,
            "testType": "VOT",
            "tests": [
                "tcId": 3456,
                "len": 128,
                "msg": "7a4c48eb710299e4ff2be3f446327a6f",
                "outLen": 16
                "tcId": 3457,
                "len": 128,
                "msg": "b16f331b3a0cf4507124b4358f9d15f5",
                "outLen": 144
Figure 10

The following is a example JSON object for the SHAKE Variable Output Test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server.

    { "acvVersion": <acvp-version> },
        "vsId": 1564,
        "testGroups": [
            "tgId": 1,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 2170,
                    "outLen": 16
                    "md": "c604"
                    "tcId": 2171,
                    "outLen": 144
                    "md": "cfc6ed48bb2e61e0a48222d34a424ce9fdbe"
Figure 11

15. Normative references

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", IETF RFC 2119, IETF RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Hoffman, P., "The "xml2rfc" Version 3 Vocabulary", IETF RFC 7991, IETF RFC 7991, DOI 10.17487/RFC7991, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", IETF RFC 8174, IETF RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
NIST, "Automatic Cryptographic Validation Protocol", ACVP ACVP, .
"The Secure Hash Algorithm Validation System (SHAVS)", NIST NIST SHAVS.

Author's Address

Christopher Celi (editor)